CREDITS: Alexandre Azevedo ========= README ========== 1 - Install Ruby 1.1 - If you are using Linux, download via apt-get > sudo apt-get install ruby irb doc 1.2 - If you are using MacOS, download from terminal via DarwyinPorts > port install ruby 1.3 - If you are using Windows, download download the install package from Official Ruby website ( CAUTION: Dont forget to choose "Install Ruby on Windows PATH" to Ruby installation works on CMD. 2 - Install Compass on Ruby. > gem install compass 3 - Copy the folder where config.rb is located to inside of "css" folder of chosen version of SmartAdmin (HTML_version/css, e.g) to install the Sass project. 4 - Change terminal to folder where the config.rb is located. > cd (Linux or Mac) > dir (Windows based) 5 - Run Compass to compile Sass. > compass compile 6 - The compiled files will be put in "css" folder of chosen version of SmartAdmin (HTML_version/css, e.g). 7 - For detailed information, please ask for help on terminal. > compass -h